Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The Murder of Students of Nassarawa  University
How on earth can men of the Nigerian Police Force who have the duty of protecting Nigerians shoot live bullets into a peaceful demostarion of Nigerian students, killing innnocent youth and causing families to mourn?

How can this happen in 2013?

What is the worth of a Nigerian life if the guardians of our safety squander it so dismally?
Haven't they heard of rubber bullets, tear gas or water that can be used for crowd dispersal?

We have no other country but this and people must be held to account for this extra judicial murder. Please dont keep quiet: speak out on your blogs, on the pages of newspapers, on facebook, on radio programs,on television, talk to your legislators, senators, pastors, imans, kings and ministers, talk to every body you know.

This must not be swept under the carpet, remember it could have been you or your brother or your sister...

Let us see that justice is done in this matter, the culprits must be brought to book and held accountable and the Nigerian police must have policies in place for crowd control and dispersal.

We must value our lives as Nigerians.

God save Nigeria!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Taking proactive steps to address environmental pollution.

I wonder if anyone is noticing the increase in vehicles belching exhaust fumes  into the still pristine skies over Abuja, Nigeria's  capital city?

I wonder what the Abuja Environmental Protection Board and the Vehicle Inspection Unit (VIO)  will do about this?

I wonder, what the Ministry of Envionment will do about the growing scourge of non- biodegradable plastic bags littereing everywhere?

I wonder, who cares about the weeds choking our water ways?

When the next floods come, as the meterological agency has predicted they will this year, we will wring our hands, and shake our heads and lament at the tales of loss, they may bring.

But right now, let's deal with accountability issues. It starts with you and I.

Do you dispose of your trash safely and sustainably?
Do you recycle?
Do you throw wrappers, bottles etc out of your car window?
Do you mantain your vehicles when  you should?

Friday, 15 February 2013

A Billion Mamas Rising
Perharps you noticed, all over the world yesterday, women weer marching, singing and shaking all they've got to raise one united voice on violence aganist women. It was one magnificent day of activism and how poignant, coming just a day after Olympic Star , the South African athlete, Pistorus was accused of the murder of his model girlfriend.
The statistics are alarming. According to the United Nations, 1 in every 3 woman is likely to suffer one form of violence or another. From rape to beatings, acid attacks to mental abuse and murder, the range of abuse aganist women  is worryingly widespread.
Just a few days ago, on the Amanpour Show on CNN, I was stunned to discover the high incidence of abuse, inclding rape in the US Armed Forces aganist women and many do not report because the person who they would have reported to is the abuser!
Beyond stamping our feet and shaking our bums, we women need to advocate more decisively to ensure the transfer of more power, more opportunities, more businesses, more money and more education to women and girls.
I urge you to throw in your voice: say NO to violence aganist women and girls.